-成都-05.04(周五)@NOX - 无人能挡,红八室即将出征!#RED8

发布时间:2023-04-19 23:50:29




5月4日,成都NOX注定会出现一大群Hip Hop忠实粉丝。


Nowhere to turn up? We gotchu G, come party with the Red 8 crew!

May 5th, all the big dawgs are pulling up to NOX Chengdu. Red 8 is known for it’s dope music, but they’ve got some surprises up their sleeve for this turn up sesh. Click the link and grab your tickets for what is sure to be an absolute banger.

Wok 在美国是最能代表中国菜的一个词。Wok 可以翻译成中式炒菜锅,和cooking(music)紧密相连。Young Dragon长期居住在洛杉矶。楼下有家中餐馆,名字就叫Wok。他和J $tash是室友,那时几乎每天都去这家中餐馆吃饭。有一天Young Dragon突然觉得Wok这个词很飞,就跟J $tash说了这个想法,后来也因为Al Rocco对美国的中餐馆也有非常有共鸣,他们一拍即合,之后《Wok Star》就诞生了。


Al Rocco & Dizzy Dizzo - SAUCE


Dizzy Dizzo首度携手Al Rocco合作发布新单曲《Sauce》。中毒性強的trap beat再搭配上不過於複雜的詞句,定會讓你忍不住跟著旋律一起搖擺。《Sauce》這首新歌讓大家看到了不一樣的Dizzy和Al Rocco!

艺人简介 LINE UP

Al Rocco小时候曾在香港与台北居住过一段时间,年少时又辗转于伦敦、布鲁克林和洛杉矶之间,如今定居住于魔都上海。他被众多音乐节视为宠儿,同时致力于打破常规改变中国嘻哈文化,自从2014年Rocco发行了单曲“Red Money 人民币”后,他就一直处在中国嘻哈文化的最前端,也一直在国际舞台中代表着中国嘻哈力量。


Originally hailing from Hong Kong and Taipei, Al Rocco was tailored in London, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and now currently resides in Shanghai, China. Breaking stereotypes and changing cultures since 2010, Rocco has been in the frontier of Chinese Hip Hop since his 2014 hit single《Red Money》and has been representing the Chinese culture internationally ever-since.


不同于其他中国说唱歌手,Al Rocco最初用英语进行说唱。自2012年从美国洛杉矶搬到上海之后, Al Rocco开始将普通话和粤语加入他的说唱之中,并不断丰富他的作品。他的音乐主要由Hip Hop, Rap, Trap和R&B元素充斥,融合东西方文化,代表着新一代说唱歌手的态度。


Unlike your ordinary Chinese rapper, Rocco raps primarily in English. After moving from LA to Shanghai in 2012, Al has been diversifying his music with more Mandarin and Cantonese. His style of music is made up of Hip Hop, Rap, Trap and R&B elements focusing on topics bridging the Eastern and Western culture, representing the evolution of a new age, a new China.

Al Rocco, YZ于耀智, BG8LOCC - A1 Chigga


BLOW,坐标上海,曾以Blow Fever为名活跃在嘻哈圈内,早期因“干架王”和“FREE CK”被熟知,从Old School到Trap其独树一帜的嗓音和腔调深入人心,18年以BLOW为名势必是一次蜕变。


16年发布第一张个人EP,名为“CAMO” 其中单曲“鹳雀楼”引起巨大反响,随后展开了十三城中国巡演。2017年7月发布了与TRAP大神UZ合作的单曲“Storm吹”,其MV获得了42万的播放量! 紧接着8月发布的单曲"BALL"将他独特的腔调展现地淋漓尽致并收获圈内音乐人众多好评,同年登上了Ultra China的舞台。18年以BLOW为名将会陆续发布与UZ、Gameface、KingChians等知名制作人合作的新单曲和全新专辑,打破枷锁的他,将会展现出一个全新的Blow Fever。

BLOW, used to go by name Blow Fever, who is best known for his “FREE CK” and “干架王” in earlier years, which is impressed by his special tone and voice. In 2018, he goes by name BLOW, which brings his music to a new level.

BLOW released his first EP titled “CAMO” in September 2016, the track “鹳雀楼” blew up phenomenally. Later, BLOW performed various big name festivals and finished a thirteen (13) city China tour. BLOW worked on separate collaborations with Trap God - UZ, and MPC Legend – ARAABMUZIK; He dropped the new song produced by UZ, called “Storm” on July, this single song is also in UZ’ new album, the MV has 420,000 views on wangyi music! After dropped the “Storm”, he released a single called “BALL”, the single shows his special tone perfectly and received mad love from crowd. In the same year, BLOW performed for Ultra China as well. BLOW will release  his new tracks and albums in 2018 collaborate with UZ、Gameface、KingChians and few big names. To break the shackles of his, will show a new Blow Fever.

UZ x BLOW FEVER - Storm 吹


Fader One是从小生于芝加哥的亚裔,后移民到香港。他曾在年少时期作为乐队鼓手进行过表演,后来,他在波士顿艺术学院接受了音频和媒体制作方面的培训。此后他加入了inMusic Brands(旗下有AIR,AKAI,Denon,Numark,RANE),并制作了他的首张EP《Random Thoughts》。

Fader One后来扎根在上海,为各大音乐节和Club表演,并联手Al Rocco、Luce三人通过Red8 Studio为国内国际众多有天赋的新人们制作歌曲。

Fader One is a Chicago born Asian, with roots in Hong Kong. He spent time as a drummer in a band during his youth, and later acquired his training in Audio & Media Production from the Art Institute in Boston. He later joined inMusic (AKAI, RANE, Numark, M-Audio) and produced his first EP, “Random Thoughts”.

Fader One is currently based in Shanghai playing festivals and club shows, on top of producing tracks for local and international talent through Red8 Studio - which he started alongside Al Rocco and Luce.

你的男孩Luce的新名字,SHFT.的创始人,Red8 Studio的联合创始人之一。总是善于寻找最燥的Bass音乐以及最流行的Hip-hop音乐。你只能在FATBOI CEO的现场才能感受到如此劲爆的氛围。

Aka your boy Luce, Founder of SHFT, and Co-Founder  of Red8 Studio , always pulls up with loudest bass music and freshest Hip Hop. Good vibes and good vibes only when you rocking with FATBOI CEO.

Support DJ



在21st世纪音乐中无限探索,却时常将自己浸泡在2000年代上下的律动中。他的现场,经典的HIP HOP律动与前卫的节拍将一同蔓延到每一个角落。





日期: 5月4日 周五

        DATE: Friday May 4th

地 址: 成都成华区339电视塔B座负一楼

ADDRESS: The first floor of tower B, 339 TV tower, Chenghua District, Chengdu.


Early-bird 早鸟 100 RMB

Presale预售 120 RMB

Door现场 180 RMB






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